
Re-imagining delivery to achieve successful outcomes

Our objective is to balance talent and delivery principles align with industry best practice. Our program-based maturity governs client projects across various types, scales and market segments, with a focus on strategic partnering and resource fulfilment.  We work to build proactive relationships by providing leadership and collaboration within an overarching framework of governance and risk management controls to deliver successful outcomes.

We use a framework with a Ways of Working toolkit so that our projects are well-defined and supported with repeatable steps and align to strategic goals, milestones and success criteria. 

We work with hybrid delivery methodologies for digital and transformational change-based deliverables.

Your challenges

Lack of tracking and visibility of agreed benefits.

Difficulty identifying and retaining appropriately skilled delivery professionals.

Bureaucratic / high overhead PM methods and processes that lack agility and the ability to respond quickly to changing business requirements.

Poor stakeholder relationship management and a lack of internal engagement.

Poor visibility / transparency of the real project status and delivering expected outcomes.

Lack of industry experience and managing risks associated with delivery.

Our solutions

Pricing and sizing correctly up front, defining foundation milestones that validate the proposed projected timeframes in phases, along with the project activities, and effort.

Executing a well-defined project plan with progressive governance milestones aligning to project acceptance criteria and goals.

In start-up we establish a governance and reporting framework, roles and responsibilities to define a change and quality control process.

Establishing an effective communication plan and meeting cadence that supports transparency and cross stream collaboration.

Looking at ways to build in efficiencies around repeatable processes and validating early assumptions to avoid roadblocks that and impact time, cost and future adoption of change.

Dedicated Agile development phase, (breaking down into iterative build and testing life cycles). 

Formal project closure includes lessons learnt and supporting knowledge transfer to ensure a smooth transition out.

Follow the seven quality management principles on which the quality management standards are integrated into both our framework and behaviours around delivery.